Cool it down
Add more laughter to your life

GET READY: ABC Dialogues is a game you can play in class or with a group of friends. Just follow the rules below and, soon, everyone will be laughing.

GET SET: Mark off an area as your stage. The whole group sits facing the stage, as the audience. Pairs take turns to perform impromptu dialogues on stage. To do something impromptu means doing it without any preparation. That is what makes this game so much fun. You have to think on your feet and respond as quickly as possible. Pairs may go in any order the group agrees on. One person volunteers to be the scorer.

GO! The first person of a pair says a sentence beginning with the letter A. The partner replies with a sentence beginning with the letter B. Person 1 responds with a C-starting sentence and so on.

For example, Lee says, "A big hello, Kim!" Kim replies, "Brother, what's up?" Lee responds, "Cats are following me. Can't you see?" Kim says, "Deary, deary me! Better than rats, I guess." Lee replies, "Eeks, no, no…not rats, please!" And, so on. Sounds and slang are allowed as long as there is no foul language. You don't have to speak in full sentences but you do have to make sense.

The goal is to carry on with the dialogue from A to Z in the shortest time possible. The scorer notes the time taken by each pair to reach Z. Pairs that give up before reaching Z are disqualified for that round.

STOP. When all pairs have gone once, the scorer announces the winner (the pair to take the shortest time from A to Z). However, winning is not as important as enjoying the challenge.

THINK ABOUT IT. As a group, talk about which pairs were more relaxed than others. Were some dialogues funnier? What was the best part of playing this game? Relate your observations back to the article on this page. Try using this ABC Dialogues game as a metaphor for using humour to lighten your life.