Cool it down
Let words work for you

GET READY: Pair up with a friend or classmate. Make a list of five incidents that would make you angry. Describe each incident briefly.

Example: "Isha does not look where she is going because she is texting. She bumps into me, making me drop my 3-D model of a volcano. The model crashes to the floor. Parts break off. Isha doesn't bother to stop."

GET SET: Act out all five stories. But, give each one two different endings. For the first ending, talk like Rudy. For the second ending, talk like Gudwan.

GO! Pick one of your stories and perform it for your class or a group of friends. Select the one that both of you think is best for showing the power that first words can have. Remember to show them the two different endings.

THINK ABOUT IT. Did pretending to be Rudy and Gudwan help you in any way? If so, how? Whom can you confide in about your feelings? Are you willing to try self talk when you are upset? Share your responses to these questions with a friend.